Sunday, August 12, 2007

Welcome to our "Wine Duo" Blog!

Welcome to "The Wine Duo"! This blog is run by a young couple, Karl and Andrea (that's us on the right!), who enjoy tasting different wines whenever we can! We hope to provide realistic reviews on different wines for the casual wine drinker who is looking to diversify their palate.

We hope you enjoy our wine reviews, and please feel free to post comments if you have tasted any of the wines featured on this site, or if you have suggestions for new wines we could try!

**Check it out - we just got this cool new tool where Google will post relevant links to the stuff on our page! It's located at the top of the page. Check out the links when you get a chance! :)

The Wine Gal/Wine Guy's Five-Grape Tasting Scale
Every wine featured on our Blog will receive a rating of anywhere between one and five grapes. Basically it is like a five-star scale only to up the cheesy factor, we decided to call it the five grape scale!

O = Are you sure they didn't add liquid manure to this wine?
OO = Did they make this wine from raisins...
OOO = Eh...I could take it or leave it.
OOOO = Definitely a wine we would buy again!
OOOOO = The king (or queen) of wines! A Wine Gal/Wine Guy fave!

1 comment:

Marty said...

Andrea & Karl: I love it! I just wanted you to know that I tried to start a wine blog, but have been slacking majorly. After the hellish semester is over I will return with a vengance, and maybe we can have wine blogging events! Visit my neglected blog at: Happy slurping!